Natural Science


This dude must be wishing he was dressed as Raiden right now. Even so he could at least have tried to make it look as if the lightning was spewing forth from his outstretched palms (though I guess making yourself taller in a lightning storm isn’t such a great idea).


Lightning over Athens from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Natural Science


Does rewarding altruism squelch it?

Imagine your neighbor has a dog that regularly escapes her yard. One day you see the dog escape and return it to her. She thanks you by giving you a piece of delicious home-made apple pie. This happens several days in a row. Then one day when you return the dog, there’s no pie, no thanks, and no explanation. Would you return the dog the next time it escapes?

Natural Science

The Big Bang

(via Boing Boing)

Natural Science

The Enemies of Reason, Part 1

The first part of Richard Dawkins’s 2007 documentary looking at superstition:

Natural Science


The Hubble Ultra Deep Field

I spotted quite a few links to this over the week but only just got around to watching it. It’s actually ridiculous. And I get scared enough just thinking about how deep the sea is.

Natural Science

Moonshadow, moonshadow


Shown here covering Taiwan at 9:30 a.m. local time at nearly the height of the eclipse, the shadow covered some locations as long as six minutes, making it the longest solar eclipse of the century. The next one this impressive will not occur until 2132.

See also.

(from Wired)