
The 9 stages of acceptance

How people respond to life-changing inventions:

1. I’ve never heard of it.
2. I’ve heard of it but don’t understand it.
3. I understand it, but I don’t see how it’s useful.
4. I see how it could be fun for rich people, but not me.
5. I use it, but it’s just a toy.
6. It’s becoming more useful for me.
7. I use it all the time.
8. I could not imagine life without it.
9. Seriously, people lived without it?

(via kottke)


Think Locally Fuck Globally

Or maybe the other way around. Or both/neither.

I think I might’ve cracked what I want to do with my two secondary columns, the slim central column will be to directly support the main content, for example:

  • On the homepage where the primary content space is the news feed this will contain Most Read, Recent Comments and The Boar RSS – other things relating to overall SU/student news
  • On an article page this will contain Most Read, Recent Comments and Recently Added for the article’s owning organisation (also if Related Articles can be done somehow tying into the tags then maybe that too – these could also/alternatively sit at the bottom of the article)
  • On an event page this will contain Popular Events, Recent Comments on Events (can this be done?)

The larger right hand column will be for alternate content types to those of the primary content area and middle column, for example:

  • Events, Food Offers and Polls on pages when the primary area is News
  • News on Events pages etc.

I’m still working out how local/global and now/featured work on this final column, I think on the homepage it should be focused on the right now, stuff I can do now, see now but once you get down to pages owned by an organisation it can be more ‘this is what these guys are doing now but also this important thing is coming up’. – for page I’m working on – for the title reference

The Web

The Future of the Interweb

Or, “What is HTML 5 Good For?”

Made me laugh more than it should’ve…

(via John Nack)

The Web

State of the Internet

JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.