
Hair & Skincare

In an effort to both save money and be more environmentally friendly I’m trying use up all the food in my fridge and cupboards before I go and buy any more, but it looks like by focussing on how I can eat it I’ve shut the door on a host of opportunities (from Extraordinary uses for ordinary items):

  • Beer (+ raw egg) can be used as a volumising shampoo (beer can also be used as a conditioner)
  • Tomato Ketchup can be used as a shampoo and mayonnaise as a conditioner (sounds like the sort of nightmare I’d have)
  • Lemon juice can give you blonde highlights
  • A paste of water and crushed aspirin can reduce spots
  • You can/should add honey and milk to your bath
  • Banana + yoghurt + honey makes a skin-nourishing face mask
  • Milk can be a (last resort) substitute for shaving foam

And not really on the hair or skincare topic but:

  • Fizzy pop can clear drains

Now think what it does to your innards!

(via Coudal Partners)


206 Years vs 12 Months

In one short year the bailouts managed to spend far in excess of nearly every major one-time expenditure of the USA, including WW2, the moon shot, the New Deal, Iraq, Viet Nam and Korean wars — COMBINED

Bailout Costs vs Big Historical Events


Crisis of Credit

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.