
Swiss Army Man

I was wondering how Daniel Radcliffe playing a corpse was going to work. Now I can’t wait.


No Bothans were harmed in the making of this trailer*

Actual goosebumps. This looks awesome.

* But if they ever make a movie in between eps V and VI those guys be fucked.

Comics Film


I haven’t seen Batman v Superman yet. I think when I do it will be exactly what I expect, good and bad. There’ll be some scenes that look really cool at the IMAX, it will be fun to see Wonder Woman be a bit awesome, it will be hopelessly dark and not represent either the Superman or Batman I love, Jesse Eisenberg will be a weird Lex Luthor.

Of all the DC movies Suicide Squad continues to be the one I’m most excited about, this new trailer only helped:

I’ve also realised I haven’t picked up any DC comics in a while, but have no idea if there’s even anything any good I should get? The only one I have on my list to pick up is Vol II of Batgirl of Burnside, nothing else is grabbing me (unlike Marvel where I want to pick up about half of the Secret Wars trades). If anyone has any suggestions sling them my way.

Update: Warner Bros have ordered reshoots on Suicide Squad to make it funnier and less dark (so a few notches towards Deadpool and away from BvS by the sound of it). Also, this.

Film Mythology and Folklore

Song of the Sea

The most beautiful, magical, delightful film I’ve seen in a good while.


Spoilers abound

Davos, no!

Resisting the temptation to pause this and go through frame by frame…

Edit: Resistance is futile. I know I was a little disappointed but that doesn’t appear to have dampened by excitement for this one. Squeee!

Film Funny


This really does look quite good.