Funny Games Music

Don’t modify AC and not debate with me!

This combines my two favourite things right now. D&D + Hamilton.

Kill less.
Talk more.
Find what they want, and know, and who they’re working for.
Maybe trail the man instead?
Fools that swing their steel oft end up dead

What time is it? Loot time!”
“Like I said…”

“Loot time! loot time!”
“Yo I’m a barbari-in the place to be!
Two pints of dwarf ale man I’m working on three!
Those kobolds don’t want it with me!
Cos I slash-smash-a-slice these gnolls til I’m free!”

“Full speed, on my steed, a Fighter and a threat!
A lance in hand, charging in my brand new full plate set!
I came from below just to buy more stuff!
Killed a king for these jewels. Do they know?”
“Roll bluff!

Brrrah brraaah! I am a bard and a lover-man,
Buffin’ it, bluffin’ it, yes I’ll inspire all y’all once again,
Lock up your monsters with Hold spells, of course
Not hard to jack hoards o’ gold over four Wall of Forces

For comparison (1min in):

I… want to be in the tomb where it happens, the tomb where it happens…


Huun-Huur Tu

This is one of the most mesmerising things I’ve heard in a long while. Just beautiful.

(Thanks for the tip @mattcolville)

Funny Music

How Bonobo Can You Go

The post title is just one of many terrible/brilliant puns used in titling the score to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. “Look Who’s Stalking,” “Past Their Primates,” “Aped Crusaders,” “Monkey See, Monkey Coup,” “Close Encounters of the Furred Kind”. There are many.

And it looks like it’s not just Apes that composer Michael Giacchino had fun with. The Star Trek Into Darkness soundtrack features “Warp Core Values,” and, “Earthbound and Down”; John Carter has “A Thern for the Worse” (and, of course, “Get Carter”); and Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol includes the quite marvellous/terrible: “Kremlin with Anticipation.”

Music People

This is what it sounds like

It gets real about 3 minutes in. Whatever you do, watch till the very end.

Books Music

The Last of the Giants

Oh, I am the last of the giants,
My people are gone from the earth,
The last of the great mountain giants,
Who ruled all the world at my birth,
Oh, the small folk have stolen my forests,
They’ve stolen my rivers and hills,
And they’ve built a great wall through my valleys,
And fished all the fish from my rills
In stone halls they burn their great fires,
In stone halls they forge their sharp spears,
While I walk alone in the mountains,
With no true companion but tears
They hunt me with dogs in the daylight,
They hunt me with torches by night
Oh, I am the last of the giants,
So learn well the words of my song
For when I am gone all the singing will fade,
And the silence will last long and long

From A Storm of Swords.

Funny Music TV

Picard’s duet

For anyone who played the recorder at school.

Just perfect.