
Ukraine’s Got Talent

Although it sounds like a jokey post title this is actually incredible. Kseniya Simonova won Ukraine’s Got Talent with her sand/lightbox animation of Germany’s invasion of Ukraine in WW2.

Let’s face it though it’s no singing dog…

(via kottke)


Vampires vs Ghosts

A (fairly ludicrious) work debate between me and my manager that has somehow evolved from whether or not The Ghost Whisperer is a load of shite via whether or not True Blood is any good to an argument about the both the relative plausibilities of the existence of ghosts and/or vampires and the merits that being each would bring.

Slightly depressingly ghosts edge it in the Google fight but I think you’d have to want to be a vampire over a ghost wouldn’t you? The insatiable thirst and need to feed might be a bit of a shitter but image never being able to touch anything. Who’s cooler, Swayze or Blade? It’s a no-brainer.

19th Century Vampire & Werewolf Killing Kit anyone? Just the fact that I can* buy shit like this makes vampires cooler.


And let’s be honest – who’s ever heard of a spectral watermelon?

*note: I can’t actually afford a $15k vampire killing kit


Sky Real Lives TV

“This dog thought she was human.”

“That explains a lot.”

In terms of entertainment it doesn’t get much better than this: Derek in a studio setting with his fans and followers who have come from miles to see and interact with them. Guided by the spirits, Derek will talk to the audience, bringing them messages from the spirit world, reading keepsakes and family heirlooms as well as communicating with pets from the audience…

What the fuck? Just saw the trail for this after Futurama and all I can think is, “What the fuck?”

The clip they have on the Sky site is as good:

“He said it had been on display and it had been in the cupboard, it’d been hidden away.”

Sorry? Have I missed other places you tend to put Christmas decorations? What was he going to say? “I feel this item has baked at 170 degrees for several hours every 3rd of June and then attached to your bicycle wheel as a makeshift clacker.” Where the fuck else is going to be? Even if it’s only one of them he’s 50% right because when the two options are in sight and out of sight there aren’t any other possibilities.

What’s that Derek? She just told you that she was going to get it out this Christmas but didn’t? And what’s that you’re getting? The decoration is telling you it was going to be placed on the tree this Christmas but wasn’t? Are you sure it’s the decoration telling you that and it wasn’t her who just told you that? Like right then, just before you said it?


How to kiss a woman

By Captain Kirk

(thx to Carter)


Bad Things

Whore and choir girl are often one and the same despite sanctimonious claims to the contrary

I’m a bit of a sucker for anything vampire-related, and though I was a little 50/50 after the first episode of True Blood I think i’m on the way to being hooked, but whether I end up liking the series as a whole or not I’m a big fan of the (Emmy-nominated) opening credits:

If you want to read a bit more about the creation of the titles then check out Digital Kitchen, the agency that put it together (they also did a recent campaign in the US for the second series). If you like it this is also worth a look (a little NSFW)

I also have to say that seeing Frank Sobotka and EB Farnum pull up in the first episode brought a smile to my face.


The Pacific