Some random scribbles from the last couple of weeks…
I think I may be having withdrawal symptoms from lack of Wii.
A list of DVDs I own that I’ve never seen:
Not as many as I thought there’d be, though I’ve had half of them for at least two years :S
My capricious nature has got the better of me and I’ve gone down a whole new route on the skin front, though I still can’t decide if I’m happy with it or not. The very first layout I mocked up months ago went a little something like this:
Then after I decided i wanted to go a bit more pixel happy we were looking at something a little more like:
And now we have what we have which is fairly basic but at is at least usable (and includes a little bit of my favourite scribble). I get the feeling I’ll play with the appearance a lot and never quite get something I’m happy with!
Well it was only slightly more than three months before anything happened… It’s not quite there yet but I’m getting there – i actually drew most of the elements I’m going to use back after that first post but didn’t quite get round to doing anything with them, and in the meantime have started playing quite a bit of old-school Mario so we’re going to end up with a bit of a mash-up of the two.
i’m having a bit of trouble at the minute getting the header to work the way i want it to but to be honest as long as there’s enough here that I actually start using it that’ll do!
I’m notoriously bad at sorting out my personal website and this particular incarnation has been sitting here for a good few months now gathering dust so the plan is to get this bad boy rolling… That said, I’m all tuckered out and The Wire is calling so this is as good as it gets for tonight, but hopefully we won’t have to wait another 3 months before anything else happens.