I’ve been playing around with animated gifs this weekend; for some reason I’ve got superhero costumes/general wardrobes on the brain and the logical extension of this seemed to be messing around with animated gifs of the Superman and Bats in their pants.
They seemed a little…flat, so this evening I decided to have a crack at another one; as a kid my favourite member of the Justice League was always the Atom (I loved Super Friends episodes featuring the Atom) and I’m definitely happier with this one:
Even if he does have a bit of a wardrobe malfunction.
See also. I think I have a little plan for this.
So, deciding to give myself the night off I ended up hitching a cat on each shoulder, ordering a a takeaway pizza and drawing this*
Hot damn my life is awesome.
For anyone interested in any further reading this should be your first (and only) port of call
* Inspired in part by a conversation at a pub quiz