Isn’t it beautiful. (And I’m not just saying that because having finished Jessica Jones I’m slightly in love with Luke Cage.)
Isn’t it beautiful. (And I’m not just saying that because having finished Jessica Jones I’m slightly in love with Luke Cage.)
I meant to post this back when the movie was still out but now seems as good a time as any.
I’m off to see Ant-Man tonight, anyone after further Marvel fixes:
– Why does Marvel clash with its directors?
– GRRM likes Ant-Man but wants some asymettric hero-villan powers
– A brainteaser (this is tough):
Let's play the physique game! Order from largest to smallest: Spider-Man, Daredevil, Black Panther, Iron Fist. (Mass, not height.)
— Andrew Wheeler (@Wheeler) July 23, 2015
When I get the chance I’ll be posting a bunch of stuff from SDCC. Quick thoughts though:
There’s a thing and a bad guy and the bad guy steals the thing, so they fight. They lose one fight and then they lose another fight and then they win the last fight. The end.
From How Marvel is killing the popcorn movie by Sady Doyle.
Gwen Stacey takes over the Marvel Universe in June. Gwen as Thor, The Avengers, The X-Men (pictured), Wolverine, Magneto… awesome :)
(For anyone who’s not sure who Gwen Stacey is or why she’s cosplaying the entire Marvel Universe, Gwen Stacey was Emma Stone’s character in the latest Spider-Man film, she’s headlined her own Spider-Gwen series (which is ace) set in an AU where she, not Peter, is bitten by the spider).
Talking of Marvel, if you enjoy the films and want to explore the comics (seriously, I recommend it, instead of waiting years for a new movie you can just cram amazing stories at your leisure) this is a pretty neat guide that picks out the comics that best match the movie experience.