

Personas shows you how the Internet sees you.  Upon entering a name, it scours the Internet looking for characterizing statements to use in its analysis.  After suitable information has been found, the viewer watches as the machine tries to make sense of the displayed text.  Once it has reached its final conclusions, the resulting “Personas vector” is displayed and annotated with a minimal legend.

It’s a bit silly really but here’s my ‘Persona’ anyway (click for bigger):


Mine clearly reflects the various sportsmen and sports writers I share my name with as well as the W3C Dan Connolly.

(via Cool Infographics)



First post from new laptop.


Things I have in common with a 73 year old man

Why would i want to check a voicemail on my cell phone? People want to talk to me, call again. If i want to talk to you, I’ll answer.

@shitmydadsays (via kottke)



Blog on hiatus

until I’m feeling better –

tablets are helping


A modern Prometheus?

Not so much. Just the part where he stole something.

Things I would change about the world to make my burglary experience less shit (aside from the obvious, ‘not get burgled’):

  • Convince Apple to carve their Macbooks from a single lump of lead rather than aluminium – the little bastards will still steal it but they’ll have to bloody work for it
  • Empty my little rucksack of its Glastonbury contents sometime before being burgled so that when the police officer comes round and sees contents of said bag emptied onto the floor I don’t look like some sort of feral creature who keeps a bag of toilet roll in his lounge

Overall things could’ve been worse, most things were expensive but replaceable – the only thing that isn’t is a little Buddhist charm I bought at Konpon Daitō in Kōya-san.



I’ve been aware of this Dan Connolly for quite a while but it wasn’t until I started seeing how high I ranked on Google that I found out about some of my other namesakes. So, starting with him we have: