Board with Life is brilliant. If you don’t believe me watch this (featuring Rich Sommer of Mad Men, Firewatch, Elementary); if you do believe me, start here.
Model the spread of a zombie outbreak in the US with this handy tool. Settings available for bite/death ratio and zombie speed.
Spoiler alert: It would probably take longer than fiction would have us believe. Also, zombies aren’t real. But that hasn’t stopped me noting that my neighbour over the road has a katana/wakizashi pair in their front bedroom should I ever need to Michonne up.
Watching this now: Wil Wheaton and pals play Dead of Winter (a semi co-op zombie survival game).
My copy arrived last week but I haven’t had a chance to play it, if anyone fancies a game let me know!
Edit: So… that wasn’t quite what I expected! Still super excited to play it but who’d’ve thought that a game in which most people in the world are dead, the people who aren’t are cold, alone, and on the brink of starvation, and you can’t trust anyone who’s not you would be so exhausting!
It’s clearly not going to be light fun but, yeah, I imagine you finish it feeling like you’ve had an real emotional experience but not necessarily feeling like you’ve had fun.
In an attempt to temper my constant craving for input I’ve decided to start listening to audiobooks while I run. The original plan was to pick books I hadn’t already read but the cast for World War Z seems more than worth breaking that rule. It’s like there was a M*A*S*H reunion at a sci-fi convention and they each brought a famous friend.
In related news I’ve ordered Marvel Zombies 1 (as well as the first volume of The Walking Dead) and am about to settle down to a spot of Gotham by Gaslight (Batman vs Jack the Ripper co-written by Mike Mignola).